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Tautachrome Inc (OTCMKTS: TTCM) A Rising Bull



Tautachrome Inc (OTCMKTS: TTCM) is heating up and moving up the charts on steady accumulation in recent weeks. The stock has a long history of big moves that Microcapdaily has reported on skyrocketing from triple zeros to highs over $0.03 back in early 2019. When a stock like TTCM heats up; penny stock speculators pay attention.

TTCM is an exciting Company with ambitious plans; since recently launching MainSt.Shopping inside its ARknet mobile platform, management stated: ‘In the coming months, additional features like 3D augmented reality product listings are expected to further drive the adoption rate. We have set an ambitious goal of 5,000 small retail businesses to be actively selling and transacting $2,500,000 in sales by the end of 2020. Concurrent with these objectives Tautachrome expects to launch MainSt.Services for service companies and MainSt.Menu for restaurants and eateries.

Tautachrome Inc (OTCMKTS: TTCM) is an emerging growth company in the Internet applications space leveraging its patent portfolio in augmented reality, smart-phone image authentication and imagery-based social networking to develop privacy and security-based applications for global business and personal use. Tautachrome is currently pursuing three main avenues of business activity based on its patented activated imaging technology, its blockchain trading currency, and the ARknet patent pending technology (together banded “KlickZie” technology):

Tautachrome – Transacting the world’s household consumption of goods and services via KlickZie’s patented Augmented Reality ArKs and Trusted Digital Files. Unlocking the global market economy for 3 billion smartphone users. Participating in the 48 trillion dollar (US) world household consumption of goods and services. Monetizing the untapped pictures, videos and social interactions of smartphone users.

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Microcapdaily first reported on Tautachrome on June 9, 2019 reporting at the time: “Tautachrome Inc (OTCMKTS: TTCM) has been running up the charts in recent months from a start point of $0.0003 back in March to recent highs of a penny. The stock has attracted a fast growing shareholder base that has transformed TTCM into a volume leader and continues to bid this one higher.

On July 2, TTCM announced the launch of MainSt.Shopping inside the ARknet mobile platform. MainSt provides shoppers and small businesses the power and utility of augmented reality combined with the accuracy of true local search using GEO location. Additionally, it provides store owners new to eCommerce, easy controls for store pickup, local delivery, and shipping. ARknet conducted an invitation-only pilot program for small retail businesses with no setup fees, no monthly fees, typical credit card processing fees and a 2% platform fee, which amounts to lower fees than large platforms like Amazon. The average MainSt store with initial products, photos, and pricing took less than an hour to set up.

David LaMountain, Tautachrome’s COO brings over twenty years of public company investment and small business experience to the MainSt.Shopping launch. He said, “We are tremendously encouraged by the initial response and feedback from our MainSt pilot program participants. With the success of the pilot behind us, we are now focused on increasing the number of small businesses that sign up and start actively selling. We have taken special care to add key ingredients for small business owners such as in-app private text and video chat, easy to use local delivery features, and store pickup features. These tools help small businesses keep retail sales local, leveling the playing field against larger national retail chains.”

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Currently running up the charts TTCM is one exciting stock that has seen some explosive moves in recent days after the Company launched its MainSt.Shopping inside its ARknet mobile platform. Tautachrome management stated: ‘In the coming months, additional features like 3D augmented reality product listings are expected to further drive the adoption rate. We have set an ambitious goal of 5,000 small retail businesses to be actively selling and transacting $2,500,000 in sales by the end of 2020. Concurrent with these objectives Tautachrome expects to launch MainSt.Services for service companies and MainSt.Menu for restaurants and eateries. TTCM is working on uplisting to fully reporting OTCQB and is currently reporting releasing a 10k in March that stated: “We envision a KlickZie ARknet with billions of users and ARks connecting humanity, commerce, information, crypto currency, and innovation in useful ways. Plus, we want to return the ownership of users’ information and valuable items such as images and video, back to where it rightfully belongs, the individual user.” TTCM has liquidity, an established shareholder base and a long history of big moves that Microcapdaily has reported on. When a stock like TTCM heats up; penny stock speculators pay attention. We will be updating on TTCM when more details emerge so make sure you are subscribed to Microcapdaily so you know what’s going on with TTCM.

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Disclosure: we hold no position in TTCM either long or short and we have not been compensated for this article

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  1. riding a skateboard

    August 31, 2021 at 9:45 pm

    Awesome article.

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Integrated Cannabis Solutions’ (OTC: IGPK) 633% Surge: Exploring Catalysts, Company Overview, and Growth Potential in 2024



Integrated Cannabis Solutions (OTC: IGPK) has undergone a remarkable uptrend, surging an impressive 633% since December 11th, 2023, with 166% of that surge taking place across yesterday’s trading session and today, January 11th, 2023. Both days have been marked by unprecedented volume – Yahoo Finance reported an almost 30x increase, with 115,867,027 shares traded by close yesterday. We’re already seeing 90,092,317 shares traded this morning and it’s just barely noon. Today we’ll explore the catalysts behind the surge, offer a comprehensive overview of the company, and evaluate IGPK’s potential for sustained growth throughout 2024.


Let’s get straight to it. IGPK is the result of a recent reverse merger with Integrated Cannabis Solutions and JFH Digital E-Commerce Corp. The first thing you’ll notice is finding the website isn’t a walk in the park, we’re fairly certain there isn’t one yet, at least one that will help in any way related to more investment information. Your best bet for more any information is to check out IGPK’s OTC Market page for details, but even the company description on there is not accurate. We’ve mainly found the following information through filings, IGPK’s Twitter, and other online users.

Keep in mind this breakdown might not be flawless given we’re piecing it together mostly from what folks on X are saying. But we’ll try our absolute best to lay it all out for you.

IGPK appears to have been a shell for little while until JFH stepped in. A user on X, @stockplayer30, broke it down fairly simply, stating that the shell’s slate was wiped clean, cancelling all notes payable and any debt. Whether it’s a promissory note, convertible note, or convertible debenture, the main point is they ditched all debt. JFH has an opportunity to start fresh, and it certainly makes this deal a lot more interesting.

Just a heads up, it’s a Chinese merger. If the idea of a Chinese leadership team makes you a bit wary, you might want to pause here. However if you were in the trading game during the summer of ’23, you probably remember those crazy spikes in some Chinese Nasdaq deals. And get this – no big press releases or SEC filings to explain those sudden jumps either.

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Company Description:

Onto what the company actually does. According to @SuperRobotOTC on X, this is a digital e-commerce company based in China, here’s a link to their e-commerce website. This user also put together a great overview of the company on YouTube, if you’d like to watch something informative in video format, click here.

Another user, @igal_n, found a blurb on the company that states, “Junfenghuang (JFH) is a digital asset. It is a token issued by Uplus Future Company with the help of blockchain technology. It has no direct relationship with the original equity”.

The Potential:

What makes this story extremely interesting is the sheer magnitude of how large JFH is, the intrinsic value does not appear to be valued accurately in the market, given it’s only freshly merged into IGPK’s tiny shell company on the OTC.

Their Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) is heading north of 50 billion yuan, and post-merger profits from service outlets are looking at a hefty 10 billion yuan – yes, billion with a B.

Steering the ship is a leadership team featuring President Wang Dejun, Treasurer Xie Weiji, and Director Yang Lanfang. With a whopping 750 subsidiaries, 250,000 merchants, and 30 million registered users. We’ve also heard from other sources that the registered users could be nearly double that, coming in at 50 million registered users.

These numbers are substantial for a company with a $7 million market cap. Looking ahead, it won’t be shocking if IGPK sets its sights on moving up to a bigger exchange like NASDAQ. It’s no secret they’re already in the big leagues – or it at least appears so. If that were the case, they’d of course have enhanced credibility, more visibility, and increased access to capital with institutional funding.

The App:

Now, you might be wondering, “Sounds cool, but it’s a Chinese merger with a whole setup on the other side of the planet. Can we trust this info?” @SuperRobotOTC has also gone the extra mile by downloading the app, and gave us the lowdown in video format. On top of the SEC filings, this is an added layer of trust & credibility we can attribute to this new venture. Here’s the link to the video.


Fortunately it appears IGPK is still for the most part flying under the radar. There’s not even a proper website or accurate update on IGPK’s OTC Market overview to tell us what the company even entails. But here’s the silver lining – that might mean you’re still early. The intrinsic value of IGPK appears strongly disproportionate to its current value in the market.

Our advice? Keep a close eye on IGPK’s journey as it takes on this exciting phase of growth and exploration. It’s likely this story will catch wind quickly and it could be a great time to take advantage. As @SuperRobotOTC eluded to in his video, this could be the OTC’s largest merger, with a potential $70B valuation.

We will update you on IGPK when more details emerge, subscribe to Microcapdaily to follow along!

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Disclosure: We have not been compensated for this article/video. MicroCap Daily is not an investment advisor; this article/video does not provide investment advice. Always do your research, make your own investment decisions, or consult with your nearest financial advisor. This article/video is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. This article/video is our opinion, is meant for informational and educational purposes only, and does not provide investment advice. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

Picture by geralt from Pixabay

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Spooz, Inc. (OTC: SPZI): Decoding the 7800% Surge and Unseen Potential



Spooz, Inc. (OTC: SPZI) has been on fire lately, soaring an incredible 7800% from its low of $0.0001 per share in December. The company has seen rapid developments following its acquisition of crucial JP Energy assets, which has now put John K. Park squarely at the helm. With this newly formed entity barely a month old, it’s managed to stay relatively unnoticed, flying under the radar with few investors aware of its existence. You may be wondering if it’s still a good opportunity after a staggering 7800% gain. Join us as we uncover the significant highlights of SPZI’s acquisition and delve into their exciting plans in 2024.


SPZI operates various companies to supply the world with the vital needs of Eating, Energy, and Education (3E) which are essential needs for our everyday living and quality of life.

It all began on December 8th, 2022, when SPZI announced an agreement with John K. Park, stating that the company would take over his opportunities. Initially, Mr. Park was to be listed as Chairman with an expected transition to CEO and full control of the company within 30 days.

Their December 20th release offers a clearer glimpse of what’s ahead, and it’s genuinely thrilling, laying the groundwork for SPZI and building excitement around several crucial milestones.


The release emphasizes the finalized acquisition of key JP Energy assets, marking Park’s assumption of control within SPZI. While there are more assets yet to be disclosed, the initial companies included in the acquisitions are JP Energy Group, Inc. (New Jersey Corporation) and JP Energy Global PTE, LTD (Singapore Corporation), now operating as wholly owned subsidiaries of Spooz, Inc.

JP Energy Group will continue securing and trading contracts in sugar, chicken paws, and other poultry parts, with plans to expand into beef, soybean, and other commodities. JP Energy Global focuses on global Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), with future acquisitions in their Education vertical expected later.

Name Change:

One of their immediate changes is renaming the company to JP 3E Holdings, Inc., aligning with John’s vision to cater to the essential needs of Eating, Energy, and Education (3E) for our daily lives and overall quality of life.

“This milestone sets the company up for unprecedented growth. With our global contacts and robust funding, we’re uniquely positioned to engage in buying and selling targeted products across various industries,” said Park.

OTCQB Up-list:

Adding to this, there’s an OTCQB up-list in the works as SPZI moves to engage a PCAOB auditor, with no plans for a reverse split. They’ve also clarified that there are no convertible notes or intentions to establish them, eliminating the need for additional financing.

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As we explore John Park‘s new venture, SPZI, it’s essential to shed light on his background and business acumen. In any company, big or small, the team steering the ship is a critical aspect worth exploring. For all intents and purposes, this section will focus on Park’s biography.


Park holds various prominent roles across diverse industries, showcasing an extensive and dynamic professional journey. He functions as the general partner of JP Energy Partners LLC and holds a partnership position at EPICESG. Furthermore, he contributes as a financing partner at Recon Services LLC and is the founder and proprietor of Honors Review Princeton LLC and KGB Global LLC. Lastly, he also maintains a partnership role with PiEco LLC.

The Beginning:

Park’s journey began at the Hyundai Group’s Research institution as an economic analyst before pursuing an MBA at Rutgers University. Following this, he ventured into Wall Street, where he managed hedging positions for US futures and securities markets.

In 2003, he delved into entrepreneurship, founding California-based technology company Ximeta, Inc., securing over $15M in venture capital and effectively leveraging the company’s patent portfolio. Afterwards he co-founded IOCELL networks  in 2008 and successfully steered the company to profitability by 2010.

This led to a transitioning to the education sector, where John managed the Honors Review, an elite consulting and education preparation business. His company has aided numerous students in achieving academic milestones and gaining admission to prestigious US institutions. As an advisor, he assists international families, students, and children aspiring to study in the US, offering support in areas like education, home buying, legal and accounting services, and social and geographical familiarization.

Interesting Projects:

Simultaneously, John ventured into real estate, developing student-housing and multi-family complexes in various New Jersey markets. His expertise spans diverse fields, making him a valuable resource for clients seeking his services.

Over the past seven years, Park successfully finished three student housing development projects. He’s currently working on two more developments valued at 70 million dollars, which are in progress through a 36 million dollar c-loan. In August 2023, John initiated a 100 million dollar REIT project to construct 450 student apartments at Rutgers University. Additionally, he’s spearheading the capitalization for the construction of 54 beds in Kokomo, Indiana, expected to be valued at 6.8 million dollars upon completion.

More Ventures:

From 2018 onwards, John founded KBG Global LLC, which operates Korean-style fast-food franchises, establishing six franchises in New Jersey and one in Bonn, Germany. He also partnered with PiEco LLC, focusing on clean energy solutions that convert plastics into energy. His involvement extends to leading energy projects in Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East.

Furthering his engagement in the energy sector, John established JP Energy Partners LLC with a capital equity of $1.2M, involved in power plant businesses in Korea, Germany, and Chile. His multifaceted experiences and ventures reflect a breadth of knowledge and insight across various industries.

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What Happened:

By now, you’re likely impressed by Park’s background, but his true expertise and extensive experience becomes evident with the following SPZI releases.

These announcements unveil nine high-value commodity contracts, driving the company into uncharted territories, with over US$300,000,000 worth of Grade A chicken paws being sold.

SPZI’s valuation at close on January 5th, 2023 was under 40M, and they just closed over $US300M in commodity contracts….

Quick Overview of The Release:

JP Energy Global, a subsidiary of JP 3E Holdings, Inc. (formerly Spooz, Inc. – OTC: SPZI), recently closed nine contracts valued at $303,029,100 for Grade A Chicken Paws. These contracts include previous commodity deals announced in December 2023.

With an approximate 18% gross profit margin and transactions solely in US dollars, JP Energy Global operates as a principal buyer and seller, ensuring higher profit margins compared to brokering.

Facilitated by a Documentary Letter of Credit (DLC) and a performance bond via KEB Hana Bank Singapore (KEB HBS), these contracts enable JP Energy Global to acquire Grade A Chicken Paws from Brazil and distribute them to China via Yantian Port (Shenzhen) – China.

The company, registered with the General Administration of China Customs as an Overseas Exporter of Imported Foods, holds registration number 70223000258, authorizing shipments to China.

Park kept his statements quick and to the point, “Investors are witnessing a fast-track growth program and timely execution of our business plan”.

On top of this, JP Energy Global is exploring alternative funding avenues, particularly under the EB-5 program, for real estate and LNG development. Expect significant announcements in these domains soon.”

EB-5 Program:

The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program is very interesting. It was an initiative created by the United States Congress in 1990.

It offers a pathway for foreign investors to obtain a green card (permanent residency) by making a qualifying investment in a commercial enterprise in the United States. The program requires investors to meet certain eligibility criteria and invest a specified amount of capital in a new or existing U.S. business that creates or preserves a certain number of jobs for American workers.

Typically, the required minimum investment is $1 million, but in certain targeted employment areas with high unemployment rates or rural areas, the minimum investment is reduced to $500,000. If the investment fulfills the program’s requirements, including job creation, the investor and their immediate family may obtain lawful permanent resident status in the United States.


With an astounding 7800% gain within weeks, one might assume there’s little to no room for continued growth and a period of healthy consolidation. But consider this: Park managed to swiftly execute over US$300 million in commodity contracts in under a month, and that’s just one vertical of the business.

In the wake of this remarkable journey, Park’s achievements underscore the potential for further surprises ahead. If this pace continues, SPZI’s trajectory could be beyond anyone’s anticipation. As SPZI teases forthcoming catalysts and gains momentum, the under the radar status might soon become a thing of the past.

We will update you on SPZI when more details emerge, subscribe to Microcapdaily to follow along!

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Picture by stevepb from Pixabay

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Understanding ECGI Holdings’ (OTC: ECGI) Surge: Exploring the Recent Developments and What Lies Ahead



ECGI Holdings (OTC: ECGI) experienced an impressive 292% spike in its valuation from December 4th to December 7th, 2023, grabbing the attention of many individual investors online. Looking at its performance over the past few months, ECGI has displayed extreme volatility without a clear trend. However, recent developments suggest new opportunities may be emerging. Not surprisingly, many are wondering what exactly triggered this surge, and are curious if sustained momentum in the upcoming weeks could be possible. Today we’ll explain exactly what happened and explore what could be on the horizon as ECGI charts a new course.


Until recently, ECGI was in the cannabis industry. They were an acquisition-oriented corporation with California-based targets including undercapitalized and distressed licensed cannabis assets, properties zoned for cannabis cultivation and processing, and cannabis companies operating in market sectors with high-growth expansion possibilities, no pun intended.

However, there has been a significant shift in ECGI’s business model. They are now known as a “diversified holding company” with a unique portfolio that includes wine production and luxury fashion. ECGI owns and operates a five-acre vineyard in Lake County, California, where they grow Petite Sirah grapes known for their bold and flavorful wine. Additionally, ECGI has made strategic investments in Pacific Saddlery, a high-end brand that sells top-quality horse equipment, clothing, and accessories.

This unique blend of wine and fashion investments reflects ECGI Holdings’ commitment to delivering sophistication and innovation across diverse markets, positioning the Company as a distinctive player in the intersection of technology, viticulture, and luxury lifestyle.

What happened:

As you might have already guessed, the surge was a result of their altered business strategy. More specifically, it was the arrival of a new CEO, Jamie Steigerwald, who played a crucial role by penning a letter to shareholders, emphasizing the transition in the company’s new direction. It states:

“I am thrilled to share a strategic shift in ECGI Holdings’ direction as the newly appointed CEO. Our focus is transitioning from acquiring distressed cannabis assets to the deliberate construction of luxury brands, with a long-term goal of up-listing to NASDAQ.

This new strategic direction is underscored by the recent signing of a binding Letter of Intent (LOI) with Nick Collins, owner of ESSRW, Inc., doing business as Pacific Saddlery. Collins brings over 25 years of expertise in equestrian luxury goods. Previously, he founded Rolling Meadows, created the Allon and Renard et Cheval equestrian brands, and was instrumental in creating and launching The LOI outlines a new joint venture, Pacific Saddlery, LLC, focusing on luxury apparel, tack, and accessories. As a strategic advisor to ESSRW, Inc. for the past four years, I am confident that this venture aligns seamlessly with our dedication to exploring innovative opportunities in line with our new focus on building luxury brands.

Furthermore, we aim to harness the untapped potential within our dormant assets. Including equipment acquired from East West Farma Group and our captivating five-acre Petite Sirah vineyard, with its aged roots planted in the mineral-rich volcanic soil of Lake County, California.

I’m enthusiastic about leading ECGI into this new chapter and optimistic about the opportunities ahead. Your support during this transformative journey is sincerely appreciated. I’m looking forward to creating enduring value for each of our shareholders.”

Blurb on New CEO:

To provide insights into the CEO’s background, we’ve extracted information from his LinkedIn profile. Jamie Steigerwald boasts over three decades of experience as a successful entrepreneur. Throughout his career, he has held principal roles in various industries. Jamie possesses a unique ability to simplify intricate concepts and convert them into practical strategies with actionable steps geared towards achieving tangible results. His approach to success encapsulates the philosophy of “Think Big – Start Small – Move Fast.”

Unrestricted Shares and Volume:

With the recent developments, ECGI experienced a notable surge in its daily trading volume. On OTCM, it’s revealed that ECGI holds a relatively low number of unrestricted shares, totalling 22,054,833. This figure holds significance as it implies that any substantial event could swiftly impact the share price. While this rapid movement might lead to quick value increases, it also important to note this carries the potential for swift value declines.

Before the December 4th announcement, ECGI had minimal trading activity. Reviewing data from October and November unveils several days with no trading volume at all. This lack of activity appears to be primarily due from the company’s prolonged silence in communicating with the market. However, the recent changes surrounding a new CEO and vision have captured the attention of investors, resulting in increased trading volume – consequently mitigating a liquidity risk that would have certainly been a prior concern.

Retail investors are notably focusing their attention on X, a prevalent social platform extensively used by retail traders. @JRC_Stocks, a prominent figure renowned for identifying OTC stocks with potential, will be highlighting ECGI among other stocks in his podcast scheduled for tomorrow, December 12th, 2023, at 4 pm EST. This podcast is anticipated to shed further light on ECGI’s position within the market, and will also have guest CEOs speak from $BLQC and $BLFR.


ECGI is still in its early developmental stages, having only filed for these notable changes last Monday, December 4th, 2023. Typically, it requires consistent and proven execution from management to demonstrate their capabilities before witnessing increased liquidity events. Despite this, ECGI traded 10.05 million shares, almost half of its float, in a single day following a simple announcement of management change and a new direction.

The significant traction gained by the company from these rather basic events is indeed promising. With ECGI now catching the attention of more investors, it’s advisable to stay vigilant. There’s potential for highly volatile intraday surges if the company continues to show positive fundamental developments in their new vision as a diversified holding company, with a long term goal of up-listing to the NASDAQ.

We will update you on ECGI when more details emerge, subscribe to Microcapdaily to follow along!

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Picture by JillWellington from Pixabay

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