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Meta Materials Inc (OTCMKTS: MMTLP) Short Squeeze Electrifies as S1 Privatization Filing Imminent (Next Bridge Hydrocarbons Spin-Off)



Meta Materials Inc (OTCMKTS: MMTLP) continues to rocket northbound since our last article on the Company predicting the start of the 2nd wave we are currently on when MMTLP had just moved over $4 per share. Currently over $6.40, MMTLP is well on its way towards the $7.51 break point and confirmation of another massive leg up as we wait for the S-1 to be approved. Once its approved the estimated 80 million share short position must cover within the next 15 days, and if they don’t cover their broker will cover the shares for them. When that happens and the brokers are just dumping stuff as Houston Wade pointed out, “we will see, perhaps, just astronomical prices” Regardless for 80 million shares to be covered we will see a very, very significant increase in trading volume and ultimately the brokers will pay whatever price they have to, to close out the position. Should a significant short squeeze happen once the S-1 is approved, $30 to $60 per share is the most common estimate on MMTLP. 

Our thoughts on MMTLP and what happened: 

As everyone knows by now MMTLP was halted and will not resume trading again. If you go on YouTube there are dozens of videos now saying that FINRA is corrupt and working with the hedge funds to screw the little guy and that what happened to MMTLP is “unprecedented” and nothing like this happens on the bulletin boards.    

This of course is not what happened FINRA is not corrupt and they are not working with anyone. FINRA rightfully halted the stock to protect shareholders who would have bought MMTLP after the 8th because anyone buying after the 8th did not get the Nextbridge shares and would have been buying an empty placeholder. Everyone who was invested in MMTLP will now be shareholders in Nextbridge Hydrocarbons, a private Company.

As for the short squeeze, we believed just like everyone else, MMTLP was skyrocketing up the charts, dozens of YouTube channels, stock twits, reddit everywhere else all saying the same. Youtube Bird lady rollerpigions saying there was millions of MMTLP shares short and then the Torchlight CEO John Brda appearing on multiple live streams with Bird Lady agreeing with everything she was saying and going as far as saying that “everything Bird Lady was saying was right over the bullseye” this gave her an air of legitimacy, we believed her.

We have now listened to the logic of the youtubers and one thing they all seem to miss is that MMTLP was not trading like a stock that had this enormous short position stuck in it during the last week. If an enormous short position of 10s of millions of shares had to cover in days, they would have been covering a long time ago. The last day that MMTLP traded last Thursday it lost almost half its value, relentless selling. Investors saw the writing on the wall, there was no short squeeze happening here and they were selling.  We have come to the conclusion that there never was a short position on MMTLP and in the coming days when they balance the books, we believe that’s exactly what they will show. FINRA was is just doing its job. 

Meta Materials Inc (OTCMKTS: MMTLP) is the placeholder for the Next Bridge Hydrocarbons Spin off from Meta Materials. One MMTLP (Series A Preferred share) will be exchanged into one Next Bridge common share once the spinoff is completed. Next Bridge Hydrocarbons is exclusively developing its Orogrande Basin asset, the Orogrande Project, located in West Texas. The Orogrande Project has shown to have potential for multi-stack pay zone, totaling 600 to 800 feet thick, with geologic and reservoir similarities to the Midland Basin. 134,000 Net Acres, 3,150  

Rollerpigeons stated: “We are still waiting for the S1 to get approved which could happen any moment; afterhours or premarket is when you will see it, usually. How will you know you have an approved S1 is you will see dates. Once you see something with dates on it, you know it’s on, and then there is going to be a Company release. So, the biggest I get is, does the SEC put in the dates or does the Company put in the dates? The Company puts in the dates and then the SEC says we have no further comments, you can proceed. The Company puts in the dates and then the Company will put out a press release announcing the record dates that match up with the S1. So that’s where we are at, we are waiting for the S1, but the anticipation is building with MMLTP trending on stocktwits today, that’s awesome, and lots of building are holding and saying where they are from and that’s terrific, it’s terrific that despite our differences in a lot of things we can be happy about MMTLP. “

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Terry Yonkers put out another great video on MMTLP this time focusing on MMAT CPO, Chief Product Officer, Gardner Wade’s brother Houston who is discussing what happens after the S1-A is approved. Houston Wade states: “Because you cannot have short shares, not only can you not have shares short, the brokerage cannot have shares short; if you get through 10, 11, 12, 13 and we’re a weekend away from everything going private and you have a T+2 settlement agreement for clearing. The brokerage may decide these guys are not doing their job, we have to sell everything we own in order to close this position because we can’t have any synthetics on our books because it’s going to ruin the portfolios of our clients who think they have shares and they don’t so we are going to force close on everything. My guess is, is if people drag their feet through a 15-day privatization, in those final days you are going to see the brokerages just liquidating these hedge funds and just deleting everything they own. Just dumping stuff on the market and then figuring out what price it will take to get rid of these synthetic shares and that is when we will see, perhaps, just astronomical prices. So, if your hypothetical achene Company where to have say, a special cash dividend in the range of $30 to $60 per share, maybe a little more or a little less, then there is no incentive for anyone who holds those shares to sell anywhere in that 15-day time period.  

MarketMoves states: “It’s quite possible that when the price of MMTLP starts going up, and just from momentum, not even a squeeze, just momentum, the price could go up significantly from the $60 dollar point. So, what that says to is that fundamentally its currently worth about $60 per share, let’s just say, based on the $3.2 billion barrels of oil in the ground and the sale value of that taking into account the 49% revenue sharing interest and the 12% discount for oil in the ground. When a squeeze scenario happens you can easily get 2x to 5x of that price and that’s because there was a fair amount of short interest on Torchlight energy that became short interest in Meta Materials and MMTLP. But those shares short have to be covered before MMTLP goes private so that means the short interest has to go to 0. The brokers won’t accept being left liable on the hook for that payout.”

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Currently running higher every day MMTLP is closing in on $7.51 highs; a break over and as we have been saying, this one could really go parabolic. As we wait on the S-1 to be approved MMTLP is now the number #1 trending stock on the Shortsqueeze subreddit and youtubers covering the MMTLP situation such as Rollerpigeons, Terry Yonkers, and MarketMoves all echo the same price predictions. As MMAT CPO, Chief Product Officer, Gardner Wade’s brother Houston Wade states: “My guess is, is if people drag their feet through a 15-day privatization, in those final days you are going to see the brokerages just liquidating these hedge funds and just deleting everything they own. Just dumping stuff on the market and then figuring out what price it will take to get rid of these synthetic shares and that is when we will see, perhaps, just astronomical prices. We will be updating on MMTLP when anything new happens so make sure you are subscribed to

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Disclosure: we hold no position in MMTLP either long or short and we have not been compensated for this article.


Clean Vision Corp (OTC: CLNV): Overcoming the Plastic Waste Crisis



Clean Vision Corporation (OTC: CLNV) has experienced several interesting developments recently, but it hasn’t noticeably influenced the market with any substantial gains. Nonetheless, we believe it’s worth providing an update on the company given it’s been a few months since our last mention. In today’s discussion, we’ll explore a variety of updates and their significance, with aim of providing insight on what to expect for 2024.


Clean Vision is led by Dan Bates, and their goal is to tackle the global plastic waste crisis head-on. Their wholly owned subsidiary, Clean Seas, has developed the Plastic Conversion Network (PCN), a groundbreaking technology aimed at diverting millions of tons of waste plastic from landfills, incineration, and oceans. The PCN converts this plastic feedstock into clean fuels and green hydrogen, significantly reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering the carbon footprint.

For a brief 2 minute overview on the company, feel free to reference the video CLNV’s subsidiary put together on YouTube. Here’s the link.

Clean Seas utilizes proven pyrolysis technology to produce environmentally friendly products, which are sold to multinational petrochemical companies, driving the circular plastic economy. Operational PCN facilities are already in place in Morocco and India, with additional conversion facilities in development across West Virginia, Arizona, and Southeast Asia. Long-term feedstock supply agreements exceeding one million tons of waste plastic annually have been secured at no cost.

Their recently trademarked brand, AquaH®, is produced in their PCN. According to the release, it offers a differentiated green hydrogen product from carbon-neutral sources. Currently, hydrogen is predominantly produced through methods that involve fossil fuels, which of course contributes to global carbon emissions. Furthermore according to Deloitte’s 2023 global green hydrogen outlook, this could be a $1.4T annual market by 2050.

$65 Million Plastic Conversion Facility:

CLNV is making big moves in West Virginia and according to the release on October 24th, 2023, they’ve brought in some serious players—CDI Engineering Solutions and ERM—to help out with their Clean-Seas West Virginia project.

CDI has over 70 years of experience integrating engineering, design, project support, procurement and construction management services to the energy, chemicals and electrical infrastructure markets.

ERM is the world’s largest advisory firm focused solely on sustainability, offering environmental, health, safety, risk and social expertise for more than 50 years with more than 8,500 dedicated professionals operating across 40 countries.

The plan is to kick things off in 2024, turning 100 tons of plastic every day into recycled plastics and clean fuels. It’s a hefty project with a $65 million investment, creating over 200 jobs initially. And they’re not stopping there—they want to scale up to 500 tons of plastic per day over time.

West Virginia Governor Jim Justice is also on board, throwing over $12 million in state incentives to support the project.

Governor Jim Justice made a reference to Clean Seas in his state of the union address. If you want to catch the mention, go to 34:15 in the video. The three minutes leading up to it are also worth reviewing.

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Launches Global Operations:

CLNV made another significant advancement, planning to launch waste plastic conversion facilities in the European Union, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia. This will be accomplished through their new subsidiary, Clean-Seas Partners UK Limited (CS-UK), who of course shares the same vision of creating sustainable solutions to the global plastic pollution crisis.

Under the leadership of Managing Director Shaun Wootton, CS-UK will play a crucial role in strategic project development and investment facilitation, leveraging established relationships in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Europe.

To fortify effective governance and strategic direction, CS-UK is assembling a distinguished board with internationally recognized figures in banking, sustainability, and energy. This approach aims to have a diverse and experienced board guiding CS-UK in realizing its vision of promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship across diverse regions.

$340 Million Bond Offering:

CLNV even announced they partnered with a global advisory firm, Grant Thornton, to issue up to $340 million in Green Bonds. This is the world’s sixth-largest network of independent accounting and consulting firms, employing 62,000 people in more than 130 countries and had revenues of $6.6 billion in 2021. These bonds will fund the expansion of Clean Vision’s Plastic Conversion Network (PCN) under the “Clean-Seas” initiative worldwide, aimed at combatting plastic pollution on a global scale.

With the Green Bond’s net proceeds, CLNV plans to deploy at least six plastic waste conversion lines globally, with strategic locations in West Virginia, Arizona, Southeast Asia, and expansion in Morocco. The Green Bond is also expected to attract environmentally conscious investors, setting a new standard for corporate responsibility.

$15M Government Loan:

Lastly, under the capable management of Huntington Bank, CLNV has recently secured a $15 million government loan. What sets this apart is that the loan is FORGIVABLE.

A forgivable loan is a type of loan where the borrower is not required to repay the borrowed amount under certain conditions. Typically, these conditions are related to the borrower meeting specific criteria, such as using the funds for approved purposes, maintaining certain employment levels, or achieving predetermined goals. If the borrower fulfills these conditions, the loan is forgiven, and they are not obligated to repay the borrowed amount. Forgivable loans are often used as an incentive or support for specific activities, such as job creation, small business development, or other initiatives that contribute to economic growth or community welfare.

Not to mention it won’t result in any dilution for shareholders. This is an unexpected and uncommon accomplishment for an OTC company. Securing a government loan of this size without any dilution is truly impressive.


CLNV has made impressive strides tackling the global plastic waste crisis, especially given their valuation of merely $22.65 million. The team has swiftly achieved key objectives, including a $65 million plastic conversion facility in West Virginia, global expansion through Clean-Seas Partners UK Limited, a $340 million Green Bond Offering, and a remarkable $15 million forgivable government loan. The vast $1.4 trillion market they’re tapping into offers an interesting opportunity with current indicators looking positive. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to acknowledge that there is still significant work ahead, and the team needs to maintain consistent execution to turn this potential into a reality.

We will update you on CLNV when more details emerge, subscribe to Microcapdaily to follow along!

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Disclosure: We have not been compensated for this article/video. MicroCap Daily is not an investment advisor; this article/video does not provide investment advice. Always do your research, make your own investment decisions, or consult with your nearest financial advisor. This article/video is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. This article/video is our opinion, is meant for informational and educational purposes only, and does not provide investment advice. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

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Integrated Cannabis Solutions’ (OTC: IGPK) 633% Surge: Exploring Catalysts, Company Overview, and Growth Potential in 2024



Integrated Cannabis Solutions (OTC: IGPK) has undergone a remarkable uptrend, surging an impressive 633% since December 11th, 2023, with 166% of that surge taking place across yesterday’s trading session and today, January 11th, 2023. Both days have been marked by unprecedented volume – Yahoo Finance reported an almost 30x increase, with 115,867,027 shares traded by close yesterday. We’re already seeing 90,092,317 shares traded this morning and it’s just barely noon. Today we’ll explore the catalysts behind the surge, offer a comprehensive overview of the company, and evaluate IGPK’s potential for sustained growth throughout 2024.


Let’s get straight to it. IGPK is the result of a recent reverse merger with Integrated Cannabis Solutions and JFH Digital E-Commerce Corp. The first thing you’ll notice is finding the website isn’t a walk in the park, we’re fairly certain there isn’t one yet, at least one that will help in any way related to more investment information. Your best bet for more any information is to check out IGPK’s OTC Market page for details, but even the company description on there is not accurate. We’ve mainly found the following information through filings, IGPK’s Twitter, and other online users.

Keep in mind this breakdown might not be flawless given we’re piecing it together mostly from what folks on X are saying. But we’ll try our absolute best to lay it all out for you.

IGPK appears to have been a shell for little while until JFH stepped in. A user on X, @stockplayer30, broke it down fairly simply, stating that the shell’s slate was wiped clean, cancelling all notes payable and any debt. Whether it’s a promissory note, convertible note, or convertible debenture, the main point is they ditched all debt. JFH has an opportunity to start fresh, and it certainly makes this deal a lot more interesting.

Just a heads up, it’s a Chinese merger. If the idea of a Chinese leadership team makes you a bit wary, you might want to pause here. However if you were in the trading game during the summer of ’23, you probably remember those crazy spikes in some Chinese Nasdaq deals. And get this – no big press releases or SEC filings to explain those sudden jumps either.

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Company Description:

Onto what the company actually does. According to @SuperRobotOTC on X, this is a digital e-commerce company based in China, here’s a link to their e-commerce website. This user also put together a great overview of the company on YouTube, if you’d like to watch something informative in video format, click here.

Another user, @igal_n, found a blurb on the company that states, “Junfenghuang (JFH) is a digital asset. It is a token issued by Uplus Future Company with the help of blockchain technology. It has no direct relationship with the original equity”.

The Potential:

What makes this story extremely interesting is the sheer magnitude of how large JFH is, the intrinsic value does not appear to be valued accurately in the market, given it’s only freshly merged into IGPK’s tiny shell company on the OTC.

Their Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) is heading north of 50 billion yuan, and post-merger profits from service outlets are looking at a hefty 10 billion yuan – yes, billion with a B.

Steering the ship is a leadership team featuring President Wang Dejun, Treasurer Xie Weiji, and Director Yang Lanfang. With a whopping 750 subsidiaries, 250,000 merchants, and 30 million registered users. We’ve also heard from other sources that the registered users could be nearly double that, coming in at 50 million registered users.

These numbers are substantial for a company with a $7 million market cap. Looking ahead, it won’t be shocking if IGPK sets its sights on moving up to a bigger exchange like NASDAQ. It’s no secret they’re already in the big leagues – or it at least appears so. If that were the case, they’d of course have enhanced credibility, more visibility, and increased access to capital with institutional funding.

The App:

Now, you might be wondering, “Sounds cool, but it’s a Chinese merger with a whole setup on the other side of the planet. Can we trust this info?” @SuperRobotOTC has also gone the extra mile by downloading the app, and gave us the lowdown in video format. On top of the SEC filings, this is an added layer of trust & credibility we can attribute to this new venture. Here’s the link to the video.


Fortunately it appears IGPK is still for the most part flying under the radar. There’s not even a proper website or accurate update on IGPK’s OTC Market overview to tell us what the company even entails. But here’s the silver lining – that might mean you’re still early. The intrinsic value of IGPK appears strongly disproportionate to its current value in the market.

Our advice? Keep a close eye on IGPK’s journey as it takes on this exciting phase of growth and exploration. It’s likely this story will catch wind quickly and it could be a great time to take advantage. As @SuperRobotOTC eluded to in his video, this could be the OTC’s largest merger, with a potential $70B valuation.

We will update you on IGPK when more details emerge, subscribe to Microcapdaily to follow along!

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Disclosure: We have not been compensated for this article/video. MicroCap Daily is not an investment advisor; this article/video does not provide investment advice. Always do your research, make your own investment decisions, or consult with your nearest financial advisor. This article/video is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. This article/video is our opinion, is meant for informational and educational purposes only, and does not provide investment advice. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

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Orchard Therapeutics’ (NASDAQ: ORTX) Shares Skyrocket: How To Predict Biotech M&A



Orchard Therapeutics (NASDAQ: ORTX) experienced a remarkable 97% surge in its shares following a major announcement on October 5th, 2023. The renowned global gene therapy leader, Orchard, has been successfully acquired by Kyowa Kirin (OTC: KYKOF), solidifying its position as a fully owned subsidiary.

The Agreement:

The agreement outlines that Kyowa plans to buy all Orchard Therapeutics’ shares at $16.00 per share in cash (totalling about $387.4 million or around ¥57.3 billion) upon closure. This price is a 144% premium to Orchard’s previous value at close on October 4th, 2023.

As part of this deal, Orchard shareholders will receive an additional non-transferable CVR. Holders of the CVR will get a cash payout of $1.00 per share once OTL-200 for treating MLD in the U.S. gains approval.

For those that aren’t familiar, CVR stands for Contingent Value Right. It is a type of financial instrument or contractual right that entitles the holder to a payment or benefit if specific, predefined events or conditions are met. In the context of mergers or acquisitions, CVRs are often used as an additional incentive or compensation to shareholders based on the performance or success of certain agreed-upon benchmarks, such as the approval of a drug, achieving specific sales milestones, or reaching certain financial targets. The CVR allows shareholders to participate in the potential future success of a merged or acquired entity.

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Predicting M&A in Advance:

Now that Orchard has been acquired, it’s probably not in your best interest to be trading it. What’s more important is being able to spot potential merger & acquisitions (M&A) before it happens. While it may seem like a large hurdle, enough research can put you in the right spot at the right time. And if you can do it well, there’s no question you’ll be increasing your earnings. Here’s 3 factors to think about when looking for potential M&A candidates.

1. Misvalued to the Extreme: Celgene’s Journey

Ever noticed how stock prices often have a mind of their own? Let’s talk about Celgene ($CELG), a big shot in the biotech world. Riding high with a super successful blood cancer drug called Revlimid, its stock price shot up from $25 to an incredible $139 between 2010 and 2017. Investors were all in.

But out of nowhere everything shifted. Worries about patents and competition suddenly tanked the stock to $60 within’ just 18 months – the stock had a massive swing in sentiment.

Did the once-celebrated star of the biotech world start hemorrhaging money? Was its revenue in a downward spiral? Far from it… In reality, 2018’s revenue saw only a minor dip from its peak in 2017, all the while the company was generating billions in profit.

Celgene gave it their all, teaming up with respected biotech experts, smart acquisitions of smaller companies with great prospective pipelines – even tried to engage Wall Street Critics, but nothing worked.

This twist in fortune caught the eye of Bristol Myers Squibb (NASDAQ:BMY), a company that values stability over trends. The lowered value of Celgene became a golden opportunity for them. They swooped in, acquiring Celgene, and securing promising assets. This stock market tale is a reminder that timing and how people perceive a situation can flip stock fortunes.

2. Great Science, but Lacking Funding:

Ever thought that a groundbreaking medicine should automatically become a hit? Turns out, it’s not that simple. Bringing a new medicine from idea to people’s medicine cabinets is like running an obstacle course. Yes, having solid science behind it is crucial, but that’s just the beginning. The American healthcare system has its quirks. Insurers need to give a nod, hospitals need to adapt to new methods, and doctors need to be convinced.

This process costs a lot of money—hundreds of millions, even a billion dollars—after all the scientific tests are done.

When you come across a small company that’s shown promising results in phase 2 or even phase 3 trials for a new drug, it’s time to dig into the numbers and dive into their financials. Check their balance sheet and cash flow. If financial jargon isn’t your strong suit, focus on a crucial question: “How fast are they spending their cash each quarter?” For instance, if they’re burning around $25 million per quarter and they only have $75 million left in the bank, alarm bells should ring.

Despite good results, a lack of funds could lead their breakthrough drug to end up in the trash bin. Smart financial moves are essential for turning promising data into real-world medical solutions.

This is where M&A steps in. Big pharma companies, with their knack for navigating red tape, join forces with agile biotech firms. M&A acts like a connector, ensuring innovative medicines actually reach the people who need them.

3. Key Shareholder: End of Career or Fresh Start?”

In the world of biotech, M&A isn’t just business—it’s about people and their journeys. Some founders, after years of battling the unpredictable industry, choose acquisition to secure their life’s work. On the flip side, young, ambitious founders, full of ideas, might be tempted by big corporations promising vast resources.

It’s not uncommon for a biotech company with a promising phase two product and solid data to command a valuation as high as $500 million. At this stage, the founding team has likely toiled in relative obscurity for years and looked to investors to fund their ambitious biotech endeavors.

Retaining majority control as a founder throughout product development is rare due to exorbitant costs. But the founder, or founding group, could retain around 5 to 10% of the company’s shares, possibly making them the largest and most influential shareholders. Hence, if Pfizer proposes to acquire the company for $500 million, that’s $50 million for the 67 year old scientist founder, who might just be tempted to take the giant payout and move to Bora Bora.

Another scenario involves young, inexperienced scientist-founders. This may seem counterintuitive; shouldn’t youth embody boldness?

Sometimes, these founders insist on going all the way. Yet, their inexperience can make them vulnerable to sophisticated corporate pitches. They’re promised abundant resources, a worry-free life, and a chance to change the world by teaming up with a giant like Pfizer.

Despite the allure, merging with massive corporations often stifles once-independent entrepreneurs. Ask anyone who’s sold their company to a corporate behemoth – it often isn’t conducive to the flourishing of once-autonomous entrepreneur.


These tips can be crucial in spotting potential biotech takeovers, but there are still other factors to consider when piecing everything together. Even then, there’s no guarantee of a surefire deal. But if you  make smart, educated guesses with thorough research, you can reap substantial returns – a little luck doesn’t hurt either.

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